State Action Driving to Zero

The ZET Ahead Dashboard

The ZET Ahead Dashboard provides policymakers, industry, and advocates alike with a snapshot of the actions driving success in states committed to a rapid transition to zero-emission trucks (ZETs) and buses.   The ZET Ahead dashboard tracks six market dimensions (targets, regulations, vehicle incentives, infrastructure, innovative policy, and planning) inclusive of subcategories we’re calling success factors, which represent a set of known actions that can be taken to help progress that market dimension. 

Six Market Dimensions

Based on CALSTART’s decades of experience, the top market dimensions for states working to decarbonize their transport sector involve a combination of these important elements: 

ZET Ahead Dashboard

The Dashboard currently showcases the 17 states plus the District of Columbia who have demonstrated leadership by signing the Multi-State Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), committing to make 30 percent of medium- and heavy-duty vehicle sales be zero-emission by 2030 and 100 percent by 2050. Future iterations of the dashboard will include additional states taking action to “ZET Ahead”.  

This dashboard is a part of CALSTART’s broader effort to chart and aggressively pursue a course to move beyond diesel pollution in the commercial vehicle sector throughout the United States.   

California Colorado Connecticut D.C. Hawai’i Pennsylvania Maine Rhode Island Oregon Maryland Vermont North Carolina Massachusetts Virginia New York Nevada Washington New Jersey
TIER 2Effective TIER 1Approaching TIER 0Not Yet Started Planning Targets Vehicle Incentives Infrastructure Innovative Policy Regulations Planning: Tier 2 State has undergone detailed MHDV decarbnization planning, which incldudes either a specific MHDV decarbonization plan or a broader transportation plan that significantly details MHDV decarbonization. Targets: Tier 2 State has adopted targets forZE MHDVs that are consistent with MOU-aligned ZE-MHD targets (30% of MHDV sales being zero-emissions by 2030 and 100% by 2040). Vehicle Incentives: Tier 2 State has a state-wide, multi-year, and currently fundedfinancial incentive program(s) for ZE-MHDVs. Equity is prioritized in decision-making, empowering priority communities with inclusiveprograms, collaborative efforts, and strong partnerships. State has adopted the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) and HDO regulations. Infrastructure: Tier 2 State has state-wide and multi- year investment/incentive program(s) for ZE-MHDV infrastructure, which may include utility-run make- ready programs authorized by state utility regulators. Innovative Policy: Tier 2 State has adopted robust and innovative polices for ZE-MHDVs that are not captured by the other categories. Regulations: Tier 2 State has adopted the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) and HDO regulations. Planning: Tier 1 State has broad transportation decarbonization plan that touches on MHDV decarbonization, or broad climate action plan that touches on MHDV decarbonization. State may have also done ZEV infrastructure planning or taken additional planning steps like creating MHDV inventories or offering fleet TA planning programs. Targets: Tier 1 State has adopted targets for ZE MHDVs that less ambitious than the MOU-aligned ZE-MHD targets. Vehicle Incentives: Tier 1 State has an incentive program(s)for ZE MHDVs, but they either donot cover the entire state, are not multi-year programs, orare not currently funded.Clear program objectives, suchas improving air quality andincreasing access to clean vehicles, are outlined within the vehicle incentive program, however, employing community engagement strategies needs improvement and partnerships to address disparities and measure progress effectively. Infrastructure: Tier 1 State has limited electric vehicle infrastructure investment/ incentive program(s) (e.g. offerings not available statewide, funding has been exhausted, not specificto MHDV infrastructure). Innovative Policy: Tier 1 State has proposed robust and innovative polices for ZE-MHDVs that are not captured by the other categories. Regulations: Tier 1 State has adopted the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) or HDV Omnibus regulations. Tier 0 None established or unclear




  • Executive Order: Where feasible, 100% zero-emission medium-and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDV) statewide by 2045 and 2035 for drayage trucks, zero-emission off-road vehicles and equipment by 2035, and by 2035, 100% zero-emission in-state sales of new passenger cars and trucks.
  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the 2021 Multi-State Medium-and Heavy-duty Zero Emission Vehicle Memorandum of Understanding that sets targets for 30% ZEV (zero-emission vehicle) sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

Vehicle Incentives

  • Grant Program: California has an active medium-and heavy-duty (MHD) voucher program that provides point-of-sale vouchers called Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP).
  • Voucher Program: Small trucking fleets with fewer than 20 trucks and revenue under $15 million can access flexible financing for zero-emission trucks via HVIP's Innovative Small E-Fleet (ISEF).
  • Voucher Program:The Clean Transportation Program invests up to $100 million annually in diverse transportation and fuel projects statewide, leveraging public and private funds to promote cleaner transportation fueled by alternative and renewable sources.


    Equipment Incentive: California has an active MHD infrastructure incentive program for commercial vehicles called EnergIIZE (Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles).

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: California has implemented a Cap-and-Trade Program, a market-based mechanism, which involves a declining cap of annual emissions to achieve the State's climate goals. Revenue from the program goes to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund which provides millions of dollars annually to zero-emission vehicles, innovative mobility solutions, and more. 
  • Low Carbon Fuel Standard:The Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) provides unique and important incentives that help advance Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) deployment and ZEV infrastructure by solving- in part- the chicken and egg issue associated with transportation electrification. The LCFS program contains provisions called “capacity-credits,” which allow infrastructure developers to generate credits based on unused capacity at a charging or refueling station. The intent is to create a financial incentive to spur early investment and buildout of ZEV infrastructure. 


    ACT:Adopted Advanced Clean Trucks (2020) rule which sets a sales requirement and one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets. HDO: Adopted Heavy Duty Omnibus (2020) regulation which establishes strict NOx engine emission standards.




  • Executive Order: Set a target of 100% zero-emission MHD vehicles and 100% electric light-duty vehicles.
  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

Vehicle Incentives


  • Equipment Incentive:Fleet-ZERO (Zero-Emission Resource Opportunity) provides grant funding to fleets for electric vehicle chargers.
  • Equipment Incentive: The Colorado Electric Vehicle DCFC Plazas Program . is administered by the Colorado Energy Office to provide grants for DCFC (direct current fast charging) charging ports in priority plaza locations.

Innovative Policy

  • Weight Exemption:Alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) on non-interstate highways can exceed conventional vehicle weight limits by 2,000 pounds if using alternative fuels with comparable emissions reductions.





  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050. 


  • Make-Ready program: United Illuminating offers the Connecticut Electric Vehicle Charging Program to provide incentives to commercial and industrial customers to install Level 2 and DCFC charging stations.
  • Equipment Incentive: Norwich Public Utilities offers commercial customer rebates for Level 2 EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment) for workplace and general public use.

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: One of 11 states a part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) cooperative to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector, Connecticut has used auction proceeds to support zero-emission vehicle programming.

District Of Columbia



  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU : Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

Vehicle Incentives

  • Sales tax exemption: Excise tax exemption for qualified EVs determined by the District of Columbia DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)


  • Make-Ready Program:Pepco provides commercial customers the electrical capacity for five L2 (Level 2) or four DCFC public chargers.




  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.


  • Equipment Incentive:Hawaii Energy has an active EV (electric vehicle) Charging Station rebate program for L2 and DCFC stations to multifamily dwellings and commercial customers
  • Rate Design Innovation: Hawaiian Electric offers commercial EV rates as part of a five-year pilot program to incentive charging at specific times of day.



  • MHDV-Specific Planning: Maine Clean Transportation Roadmap
  • Clean Transportation Roadmap for MHD Vehicles (in progress): Maine DOT and the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future are in the process of developing a Clean Transportation Roadmap for MHD Vehicles.


  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

Vehicle Incentives


  • Rate Design Innovation: Versant Power, Maine Public District’s General Service, and Bangor Hydro District offer a “Business Eco Rate” for Commercial Level 2 charging stations and battery storage. The Bangor Hydro District also has a “DC Fast Charging and Storage Eco Rate” for Level 3 charging and battery storage.

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: One of 11 states a part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) cooperative to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector.
  • Weight Exemption: Heavy duty vehicles “equipped with an auxiliary power unit, the gross vehicle weight or axle weight used to determine the fine for a violation under this section is the actual gross vehicle weight or axle weight reduced by 400 pounds.”




  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

Vehicle Incentives


Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: One of 11 states a part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) cooperative to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector.


  • ACT: Adopted Advanced Clean Trucks (2023) rule which sets a sales requirement and one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets.




  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU : Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.
  • Executive Order: Sets targets for the state fleet to comprise of an increasing number of zero emission vehicles up to 100% by 2050

Vehicle Incentives

  • Voucher Program: MOR-EV (Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles) is rebate program for class 2a/b-8 vehicles.


  • Make-Ready Program: Eversource offers Massachusetts businesses a rebate of up to 100% of infrastructure costs.
  • Make-Ready Program: National Grid offers up to 100% funding for utility-side and customer-side infrastructure costs for private and public fleet customers to install Level 2 and DCFC.
  • Equipment Incentive: The Massachusetts Department of Energy offers three charging programs under the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (MassEVIP) to provide incentives to fund charging stations.

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: One of 11 states a part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) cooperative to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector.


  • HDO: Adopted Heavy Duty Omnibus (2022) regulation which establishes strict NOx engine emission standards.
  • ACT: Adopted Advanced Clean Trucks (2022) rule which sets a sales requirement and one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets.




  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.


  • Equipment Incentive: Through the Economic Recovery Transportation Electrification Plan (ERTEP) Nevada Energy is investing $100 million in programs to support transportation electrification.


  • State Fleet Electrification: Assembly Bill 262 states by 2050, Nevada’s publicly owned MHDVs must be zero-emission.

New Jersey


  • Fleet Assistance: Administered by the Department of Environmental Protection New Jersey Fleet Advisor supports medium- and heavy-duty fleet operators through fleet electrification process.
  • MHDV-Specific Planning:Energy Master Plan


  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

Vehicle Incentives

  • Voucher Program: The NJ ZIP (New Jersey Zero-Emission Incentive Program) offers $90M in vouchers for the purchase of zero-emission MHD vehicles.


  • Equipment Incentive:  The Clean Fleet EV and EV Charging Program offers incentives to local, state, and nonprofit entities to purchase BEVs (battery electric vehicles), L2 charging equipment, and DCFCs.
  • Make-Ready Program:Orange and Rockland offer incentives to owners and managers of multifamily properties and businesses for up to 90% of make ready costs to install Level 2 or DCFC chargers.
  • Make-Ready Program: PSE&G (Public Service Electric & Gas Co) offers three subprograms under the Electric Vehicle Charging Program: Residential, Commercial and Public DCFC.
  • Make-Ready Program:Atlantic City Electric offers businesses operating a commercial fleet a rebate of up to 50% of electrical upgrade costs or a maximum of $2500 per Level 2 port for a maximum of 10 ports at each location.
  • Make-Ready Program:Atlantic City Electric offers customers a rebate of up to 50% of electrical upgrade costs to install public Level 2 chargers, a rebate of up to 90% of electrical upgrade costs to install public DC fast chargers or a rebate per port.

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: One of 11 states a part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) cooperative to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector.


  • ACT (2021): Adopted Advanced Clean Trucks rule which sets a sales requirement and one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets.
  • HDO (2023): Adopted Heavy Duty Omnibus regulation which establishes strict NOx engine emission standards.

New York



Vehicle Incentives


  • Make-Ready Program: As authorized by the New York State Public Service Commission, the state's investor-owned utilities launched the Medium-and Heavy-Duty EV Make-Ready Pilot to cover up to 90% of utility-side infrastructure costs and up to 50% of customer-side costs.
  • Equipment Incentive:NYSERDA Charge Ready 2.0 offers incentives for the installation of Level 2 chargers at workplaces, multiunit dwellings, or public facilities that are owned and operated by municipal or state government entities.

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: One of 11 states a part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) cooperative to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector.
  • Low Carbon Fuel Standard: Low-carbon fuel standard policy proposed


  • ACT: Adopted Advanced Clean Trucks rule (2021) which sets a sales requirement and one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets.
  • HDO: Adopted Heavy Duty Omnibus regulation (2022) which establishes strict NOx engine emission standards.
  • Application Specific: In 2021, Governor Hochul signed into law A.4302 / S.2758, which established a target for all medium- and heavy-duty vehicles sold in New York State to be zero-emission by 2045, where feasible.

North Carolina



  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.


  • Equipment Incentive: Greenville Utilities offers rebates up to $1,500 for businesses, educational institutions, multi-family dwellings, non-profit organizations, and governments for installing single or dual-port charging stations.
  • Make-Ready Program: Duke Energy offers a Commercial Charger Prep Credit to support upgrades for EV chargers.




  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.


  • Equipment Incentive: Central Electric Cooperative customers can receive rebates for electric vehicles registered in their service territory and to purchase and install L2 chargers
  • Equipment Incentive: Central Lincoln PUD offers a $250 rebate for Level 2 EV charger installation to eligible customers in their service area.
  • Equipment Incentive: Columbia River PUD offers a $1,000 rebate to commercial customers who install a Level 2 or Level 3 EV charger.
  • Equipment Incentive: Pacific Power non-residential customers are eligible for up to $1,000 per port (up to 75% of total costs) for qualified chargers.
  • Equipment Incentive: Portland General Electric non-residential customers could get a rebate of up to $1,000 per port for installing a qualifying level 2 EV charger .

Innovative Policy

  • Low Carbon Fuel Standard: Oregon's Clean Fuels Program, launched in 2016, is a highly successful initiative in combating climate change, significantly reducing emissions and fossil fuel usage.


  • ACT: Adopted Advanced Clean Trucks (2021) rule which sets a sales requirement and one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets.
  • HDO: Adopted Heavy Duty Omnibus (2021) regulation which establishes strict NOx engine emission standards.



  • MHDV-Specific Planning: DEP is working with the Drive Electric PA Coalition to develop the Zero Emissions Roadmap 2.0. This roadmap will build upon the successes in the first Roadmap (2019/updated in 2021) and expand the scope to include not only light-duty electric vehicles but medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The final ZEV Roadmap 2.0 will map out strategies aimed to maximize the economic and environmental benefits of transportation electrification in Pennsylvania.


  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

Vehicle Incentives

  • Grant Program: The Alternative Fuels Incentives Grant Program provides funding to help school districts, municipalities, nonprofits, and businesses transition to alternative fuels vehicles, supporting infrastructure, research, training, and development.


  • Make-Ready program: PECO EVsmart Charging Program offers rebates for the purchase and installation of L2 charging stations are available to PECO commercial customers
  • Make-Ready program: Duquesne Light Company offers a Fleet Charging Program to commercial, non-profit, and municipal fleet operators where DLC will design, build, and maintain the electric infrastructure up to the charging station.

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: One of 11 states a part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) cooperative to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector.

Rhode Island



  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: One of 11 states a part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) cooperative to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector.


  • ACT: Adopted Advanced Clean Trucks (2023) rule which sets a sales requirement and one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets.
  • HDO: Adopted Heavy Duty Omnibus (2023) regulation which establishes strict NOx engine emission standards.




  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.


  • Equipment Incentive: Vermont Public Power Supply Authority offers a $500 rebate to customers for the purchase of a workplace or public use Level 2 charger.
  • Equipment Incentiv: Funded by the State of Vermont and administered by Green Mountain Power, Vermont EV Charging offers grants to workplaces, public attractions, and multiunit dwellings for EV chargers.
  • Equipment Incentive: Vermont Electric Co-op offers bill credit for public stations and incentives for those that purchase their own station.

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: One of 11 states a part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) cooperative to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector.


  • ACT: Adopted Advanced Clean Trucks (2022) rule which sets a sales requirement and one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets.
  • HDO: Adopted Heavy Duty Omnibus (2022) regulation which establishes strict NOx engine emission standards.




  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

Vehicle Incentives

  • Rebate Program: The Port of Virginia’s GO-Zero Program offers incentives to purchase zero-emission and near zero-emission drayage trucks.


  • Equipment Incentive: The Virginia Department of Energy Electric Vehicle Charging Assistance Program (EVCAP) offers awards for EV charging vendors, governments, and tech providers to install charging stations in underserved communities.
  • Other Utility Programs: Dominion Energy offers a Level 2 charging program turn-key solution for commercial and industrial customers to install and maintain a minimum of two qualifying charging stations.

Innovative Policy

  • Weight Exemption: Vehicles powered primarily by an electric battery or natural gas on non-interstate highways can exceed conventional vehicle weight limits by 2,000 pounds as long as the weight is on the power source.




  • Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU: Signed the Multi-State MHD ZEV MOU that sets targets for 30% ZEV sales for all new medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles by 2030 and 100% by 2050.


  • Make-Ready Program: Avista will install make-ready infrastructure for AC Level 2 chargers at businesses.
  • Equipment Incentive: The Snohomish County Public Utility District offers rebates to commercial, industrial, and multi-family facilities for the purchase and installation of Level 2 ENERGY STAR chargers.
  • Equipment Incentive: Seattle City Light offers electric vehicle charger rebates for a variety of organizations.
  • Equipment Incentive: Puget Sound Energy's Up & Go Electric for Fleet offers incentives for up to $250,000 per location for electric service upgrades, the charging equipment and installation.
  • Equipment Incentive: Tacoma Public Utilities has a Community EV Charging Rebate Program for businesses, workplaces, and multifamily property for Level 2 chargers and infrastructure upgrades.

Innovative Policy

  • Cap and Invest: Washington Legislature passed the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) in 2021 which created a cap-and-invest program that limits the carbon emissions in WA.
  • Low Carbon Fuel Standard: Washington's Clean Fuel Standard program under the Washington Department of Ecology set requirements to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by 20% below 2017 levels by 2034.


  • ACT: Adopted Advanced Clean Trucks (2021) rule which sets a sales requirement and one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets.
  • HDO: Adopted Heavy Duty Omnibus (2022) regulation which establishes strict NOx engine emission standards.

Get In Touch

The ZET Ahead dashboard is updated on a regular basis. We welcome your feedback by way of email.

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