National Influence
With regional offices across the country, CALSTART manages programs, informs policy, and breaks down barriers to clean transportation from coast to coast and around the globe. CALSTART’s expanding Regional Office network provides additional on-the-ground support to our members and industry to help speed clean transportation adoption.

67 35th St, 5th Floor, Suite B508
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Jordan Stutt
Senior Director, Northeast Region
Based in the Boston Metro Area
[email protected]
Jenny Kritzler
Deputy Director, Northeast Region
Based in the Hartford Metro Area
CALSTART’s team in the Northeast office works throughout the region’s major cities, rural communities, and everywhere in between to advance clean, equitable, and innovative transportation projects. These projects are designed to reduce harmful air pollution, accelerate the adoption of new transportation technologies, and support the growing workforce needed to build, operate, and maintain the future of transportation.
Programs and Projects
Freight Electrification-as-a-Service for Transformation
FEaSTNYSERDA-funded project designed to overcome two main barriers to electric truck adoption: high upfront costs and an underprepared workforce. CALSTART leads a multidisciplinary consultant team to deploy two truck electrification-as-a-service (EaaS) models and partner with community-based organizations to develop a workforce pathway for the next generation of New York workers.
CALSTART is working with four municipalities in the greater-Albany region to improve transit connectivity and expand access to zero-emission mobility options.
Mass Fleet Advisor
A team led by CALSTART providing technical assistance to commercial, small business, and nonprofit fleets in Massachusetts. Funded by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), CALSTART delivers individualized fleet analysis and electrification reports, helping fleet operators navigate each step of the electrification journey.
E-Bikes for Environmental Justice
In partnership with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and with funding from MassCEC, CALSTART is supporting the deployment of heavily discounted e-bikes to residents of rural western Massachusetts.
200 E. Big Beaver
Troy, Michigan 48083
Steve Sokolsky,
Deputy Director, Midwest Region
[email protected]
CALSTART’s Midwest Office is located in the heart of the nation’s research, design, engineering and manufacturing belt. This region’s strong transportation industry presence and proven success in developing, manufacturing, and supplying clean transportation solutions enables the team at this office to accelerate clean transportation through partnerships with our members and other key industry stakeholders.
The Midwest team is a recognized leader in advancing adoption of zero-emission transportation and innovative mobility solutions across light-duty, transit, medium- and heavy-duty trucks, school buses, and the supporting infrastructure. Our team’s focus is on providing industry stakeholders the support, tools, and resources to ensure the creation of successful and sustainable transportation ecosystems using our validation and assessment, development and deployment, market acceleration, and policy activities.
Programs and Projects
Zero-Emission Vehicle Deployments
Providing project management, validation and assessment, acquisition/procurement, and total cost of ownership support for zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure deployments across the Midwest Region.
Fleet Transition Planning
Supporting fleets on their fleet electrification journey with the tools and resources to transition their fleet from internal combustion engine to zero-emission vehicles.
Midwest-Midcontinent Electric School Bus
(ESB) Working GroupThe MW Team administers this technology-driven networking platform for all ESB stakeholders as they overcome challenges and receive resources for a zero-emission bus fleet transition.
Export Power and Energy Storage
Working GroupThe MW Team administers this technology-driven networking platform for all commercial and military vehicle stakeholders as they overcome the challenges of reliable and predictable power and energy needs.
Connected and Automated Transit
Working GroupThe MW Team administers this technology-driven networking platform for all transit agency stakeholders considering the deployment of automated vehicles into their operations.
National Supply Chain and Workforce Development
Working GroupDelivering solutions to key stakeholders on the state of the commercial vehicle supply chain to inform clean transportation policy, while laying the groundwork and providing guidance on the needs and requirements necessary to workforce development.
5000 S. Airport Way, Suite 208
Stockton, CA 95206
510 W Kearney Blvd, Suite 105
Fresno, CA 93706
Valerie Thorsen
Deputy Director of the San Joaquin Regional Office
[email protected]
For general inquiries, please email [email protected]
The CALSTART San Joaquin Valley (SJV) Regional Office team works to deploy clean transportation technologies, clean the air, and create jobs in this fast-growing region. A key agricultural region in the United States with goods movement corridors and a motivated workforce, the SJV is ripe for innovative transportation projects that alleviate traffic congestion and pollution while supporting the local economy.
The SJV RO is focused on supporting a sustainable transition to zero-emission technologies by piloting innovative solutions, verifying technological performance, providing fleets with technical assistance, and encouraging community-driven solutions.
Programs and Projects
San Joaquin Regional Transit District
SJRTDCALSTART is supporting SJRTD to create and consolidate workforce development training materials and processes for fuel cell, battery-electric, and diesel hybrids buses.
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency
The SJV RO assisted Fresno County Rural Transit Agency with the deployment of 13 Envision Solar EV ARC solar-powered electric vehicle chargers, one in each Fresno County rural city.
Rural Transit Bus Service
The SJV RO developed the project and secured grant funding to deploy the first electric transit buses in rural service using solar-powered charging stations.
U.S. Postal Service
CALSTART co-administered a $4.5 million grant project with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Valley Air) to deploy 15 zero-emission, battery-electric parcel delivery vans for use by the U.S. Postal Service in Fresno and Stockton.
AmeriPride Linen Service
The SJV RO co-administered a $7.1 million grant project with Valley Air to deploy 20 zero-emission, battery-electric linen delivery vans for use by the AmeriPride Linen Service in Fresno, Merced, Stockton, and Bakersfield.
1607 Cole Blvd
Lakewood, CO 80401
Member Services
[email protected]
CALSTART’s Rocky Mountain Office is located adjacent to the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) at the nexus of national and regional clean energy and transportation activity. This office houses CALSTART’s team focused on member and industry services and clean vehicle purchase incentives. They serve as a central point for member activity in the region and connect with regional companies, fleets, cities, and universities to drive clean transportation expansion.
Programs and Projects
E-Truck Task Force
A task force of fleet and industry members, led by CALSTART, that identifies barriers and opportunities for commercial electric vehicles, devises actions to address those barriers and capitalize on opportunities. These activities produce infrastructure planning guides, business case calculators, and recommendations for utility investment in infrastructure.
Voucher Incentive Strategy
Developing best practices and recommendation documents for regions around the United States and Canada to use in developing and managing streamlined, point-of-purchase incentive programs that reduce risk for fleet early-adopters and support vehicle manufacturers, encouraging faster adoption of clean vehicles.
For more information on our activities and how we can support you contact a CALSTART office near you!