Madeline Brown

Clean Transportation Lead Project Manager

Madeline is a Lead Project Manager in CALSTART’s San Joaquin Valley Regional Office. Madeline collaborates with stakeholders on regional and statewide initiatives to facilitate implementation of clean air transportation solutions including goods movement, public transit, infrastructure development and engages community partners through project management and public outreach.

Prior to joining CALSTART, Madeline worked primarily in electric utilities asset mapping. She worked as a Field Team Lead, overseeing data collection of rotor-craft LiDAR, and processing LiDAR and imagery for high voltage powerlines across the US, Canada, and Australia. Most recently, she worked as an Electric Utilities GIS Specialist for a local public power provider in Central California. Madeline has also enjoyed serving as an undergraduate level educator for Spatial Analysis and Sustainability courses.

Madeline holds a Bachelor of Art sin Geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Graduate Certificated in Geographic Information Science and Technology from the University of Southern California. As of Summer 2023, she is in the final stages of completing her doctorate at the University of California, Merced, where her research focuses on Adaptation Planning in Environmental Systems- focusing on the connection between climate change exacerbated environmental hazards and spatial connectivity.