Inventory of U.S. Electric School Buses Reaches 1,738 | Jan 12, 2022
CALSTART Report Tracks Funded, Ordered, Delivered, and Deployed Electric School Buses
CALSTART Report Tracks Funded, Ordered, Delivered, and Deployed Electric School Buses
Three key states in the Northeast—New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts—ended 2021 by making substantial progress for electric trucks when they each adopted California’s Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) regulation at the end of December. These Northeast states, home to more than two million medium- and heavy-duty vehicle registrations combined, join Oregon and Washington in requiring a progressively greater share of truck sales be zero-emission through 2040. Together these six states represent roughly 20% of medium- and heavy-duty vehicle sales nationally.
$6.1 Billion in New Investment Supports California’s Continued Leadership in Zero-Emission Transportation
The advanced technology transit bus index: A North American ZEB inventory report
Fuel Cell Bus Deployment Doubled, But Still Lags Behind Battery-Electric Vehicles
New report outlines the current state of North American battery sourcing and supply conditions, offers insights on future cost estimates for the commercial truck and bus industry
CALSTART released its second annual inventory of Canada’s zero-emission bus (ZEB) adoption in its “Zeroing in on ZEBs” report that tracks the growth of ZEB deployment in the U.S. and Canada.
Happy New Year from CALSTART! We are excited about the coming months but also wanted to make sure we didn’t let 2021 pass too far out of sight without noting the year’s accomplishments.
New report outlines the current state of North American battery sourcing and supply conditions, offers insights on future cost estimates for the commercial truck and bus industry
CALSTART Releases New Study on Successful Electric School Bus (ESB) Pilots; Calls on School Districts to Start Laying Groundwork for Fleet Transition