Medium- and Heavy-Duty EV Deployment: Data Collection


With support from the Department of Energy (DOE), CALSTART and its partners collect and analyze data from a diverse set of electric vehicles (EVs) across different applications, geographies, terrains, and climatic conditions. Data from medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) EVs – battery-electric school buses, transit buses, trucks, and off-road equipment – from both public and private fleets as well as Clean Cities Coalitions is of particular interest. With this data, we are creating a public database, visualization tools, and more to support the anticipated growth of electrified transportation nationally.

MHD EV Deployment Data

This interactive online tool allows policymakers, fleet owners, industry leaders, and researchers to explore the extensive MHD EV data that has been collected across various U.S. regions. Users can filter, analyze, and develop learnings from real-world duty cycles, vehicle performance, and vehicle attributes.

The dashboard includes several tabs for easy navigation:

  1. EV data collection overview: timeline, geographic coverage, and vehicle count by platforms, vocations, sectors, and battery types
  2. EV model attributes: battery range, battery capacity, maximum charge rate, and more
  3. EV duty cycles: daily distance, daily run time, and daily average speed
  4. EV performance: vehicle efficiency performance by segments and correlation with external factors, including ambient temperature

This tool is a work in progress and will be continuously updated with new data and visualizations. Additional sections for the charging data collected are under development. For more information or feedback, please contact us at [email protected].

Medium and Heavy-Duty EV Deployment: Data Collection is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Vehicle Technologies Office Award Number of Energy DE-EE0008891.

To cite Medium and Heavy-Duty EV Deployment: Data Collection: [1] CALSTART, ‘MHD EV Data Visualization Version X.X’, 2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: DD-MM-YYY]


  • 12 months of data collection per participating fleet
  • Stay tuned for release of public database, tools, and more
  • Project ends September 2023



Participating vehicles include battery-electric transit buses, school buses, MHD trucks, and off-road equipment.


Charging data has been collected from one of three sources:

  • Electric vehicle supply equipment (charger)
  • Battery-electric vehicle
  • Utility submeter


  • Data has been verified, cleaned, anonymized, and stored on a secure server.
  • All Personal Identifiable Information (PII) or data deemed proprietary has been treated as confidential.


The data will be used to perform analyses that include but are not limited to:

  • Project-level analyses to understand the relative performance of each deployment project
  • Vehicle-type analyses to understand the performance of different vehicle types
  • Climate analyses to understand vehicle performance under different climatic conditions
  • Use-case analyses to understand performance of vehicles related to applications/use cases
  • Location-based analyses to understand performance of the MHD EV sectors based on different geographies
  • Vehicle charging and energy consumption analyses to understand energy cost savings, emissions reductions, and energy consumption patterns


  • Participating fleets will receive analytics based on data collected and recommendations tailored to their specific needs.
Download Sample Fleet Report Card


These analyses and data will allow CALSTART and its partners to create a public database, visualization tools, technical reports, and more. Sign up for alerts on new developments as we continue to evaluate data gathered from vehicles across the country.

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Downloading MHD EV Data

The MHD EV Dashboard datasets are hosted on Livewire, a DOE data platform. To download the data:

  1. Create a Livewire account

Upon creating a Livewire account at, you will receive an email requesting that you verify your email address. Open this email, click the link, and sign into your Livewire account.

  1. Request access to the EV Data Collection project

Go to, and request access under “Datasets.” You should soon receive an email confirming that you have been granted access to the project.

CALSTART and its partners welcome your interest and participation in this project.

Email [email protected] to learn how to participate, connect with other fleets, and receive regular updates from CALSTART. Please include fleet name and contact information in the subject line of your email.


UC Riverside
Tetra Tech
Clean Cities
Drive Clean Colorado
Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition
Empire Clean Cities
Live Green